Obtain Your Safety Critical Certificate Today, at Great Rates

Book Your Safety Critical Medical Today
Your Private Health can provide Safety Critical Medicals for a wide range of jobs within the construction industry. We offer a straightforward and simple process with a fast turnaround for your paperwork.
All medicals are undertaken by Dr Rashid Bani, who has years of experience in the medical field, guaranteeing the best possible service. We have a range of pricing options, including our Basic Safety Critical Medical package, our Extended Package, and bespoke packages built around your specific individual requirements.
About Our Safety Critical Medicals
Safety critical medical certificates are a requirement for a wide range of jobs where a level of medical fitness is necessary to ensure the health and safety of the worker and those around them. While a basic safety medical test package is available, some roles and employers may require additional tests. For this reason, we offer an extended safety critical medical package as well as being able to put together bespoke packages to cover your individual needs. Please ensure our medical will meet the requirements of your employer on booking.
Standard Package
Our Price: £95
Extended Package
for repeat medication is required
Our Price: £120
Bespoke Packages
or Extended package plus: -
for repeat medication is required
Price on Request
What can I expect from my critical safety medical in Manchester?
At Your Private Health, we run a smooth testing process which ensures you are seen by a doctor at a previously agreed appointment time. We’ll fill out your paperwork and get your safety critical medical certification in a timely manner, which ensures minimal impact on your schedule. Should you require any specialised assessments that we can’t carry out ourselves, we can coordinate these so that the impact on your day is minimal. Blood and urine tests are carried out through our accredited laboratory, which offers a dedicated courier service to ensure the fastest turnaround times possible.
What tests are included in the standard safety critical medical?
As mentioned, the kind of tests that are included in the medical assessment depends on the requirements of your employer. As a standard, a safety critical includes:
Review of your medical history with GP
You will be asked to fill out a medical history questionnaire which our GP will review as part of the safety critical medical assessment.
This is to assess your kidney health and to identify any diabetes risk indicated by your protein and glucose levels.
Vision Assessment
This is a standard test to ensure you have the correct range of vision to meet safety standards. You can use corrective lenses to carry out this assessment if required, so it’s important that you bring your glasses with you. In addition, a colour vision assessment will also be performed.
Forced Whisper Test
To check your hearing.
Blood Pressure Readings
This identifies any heart or cardiovascular risk which could cause a sudden loss of consciousness whilst managing safety critical machinery.
Musculoskeletal Assessment
This involves our doctor assessing your musculoskeletal system to ensure you have the required range of motion to carry out your role safely.
Additional Tests
In addition to the tests outlined above, we may also carry out further health screens if they are required by your employer. These include:
Instant Drug Screen for Urine
An instant drug test screens for 11 prohibited substances in your body and is required by some companies as part of the assessment.
Alcohol Breath Test
This also tests for your suitability to work by identifying if you are sober at the time of your assessment.
Bespoke Safety Critical Medical
In addition to the tests outlined above, we may also carry out further health screens if they are required by your employer. These may include, but are not limited to:
Spirometry is a lung function test which identifies how well your lungs are working. It can be used to identify asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other conditions affecting your breathing.
Roles which require you to be able to listen effectively to identify any dangers or safety hazards may require an audiology assessment as well. We can arrange for this to be carried out and will assess the findings as part of your medical.
We can carry out an ECG scan to identify any potential heart defect as part of your medical assessment should your role or employer require it.
Additional Blood or Urine Lab Tests
Some companies may require additional laboratory screens. We can arrange these for you as part of your assessment and collect the samples at your medical appointment.
Why Choose Us?
Book Your Safety Critical Medical Test Today With Your Private Health
More information on our Safety Critical Medical
What is a Safety Critical Medical?
A Safety Critical Medical is the name given to a medical assessment that must be undertaken by a Safety Critical Worker. A Safety Critical Worker is defined as anyone working in a role where an incident of ill health could endanger the safety of others, including colleagues, fellow contractors or members of the general public.
There are different types of Safety Critical Medical with the depth of the medical ultimately decided by your employers and their health and safety advisors. Alternatively, if you’re self employed, you may require a certain standard of Safety Critical Medical to work on a particular project or site to satisfy their regulations.
As standard, the medical will assess if you have any health condition which could cause a sudden loss of consciousness, concentration, balance or coordination. More in depth medicals may include drug or alcohol screening and further blood, lung function or hearing tests.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
For any Safety Critical Medical you will be required to bring a few things to your appointment that will help us assess your health in an appropriate manner. This includes: –
- Photo ID – this is so that we can verify you are who you say you are before signing your paperwork off
- Glasses – these are required for your vision assessment if you currently wear them
- Prescription for repeat medication
What roles require a Safety Critical Medical?
A Safety Critical Medical is required for anyone working in a role whereby an incident of ill health could endanger the lives of others, including colleagues or the general public. Common occupations that require these include: –
- Scaffolder/Rigger
- Forklift Truck Driver
- Driver and Mechanical Handling Equipment Operator
- Plant Operator
- Roadside maintenance (high speed)
- Tunnelling worker
- Slinger/Signaller/Banksman/Traffic Marshall
What tests are included in the standard safety critical medical?
As mentioned, the tests that are included in the medical depend on the depth that your employer requires from the medical. As standard we will undergo the following tests.
Review of medical history with GP
You will be asked to fill out a medical history questionnaire which our GP will review as part of the safety critical medical assessment.
This is to assess your kidney health and to identify any diabetes risk indicated by your protein and glucose levels.
Vision Assessment
This is a standard test to ensure you have the correct range of vision to meet safety standards. You can use corrective lenses to carry out this assessment if required, so it’s important that you bring your glasses with you. In addition, a colour vision assessment will also be performed.
Forced Whisper Test
To check your hearing.
Blood Pressure Readings
This identifies any heart or cardiovascular risk which could cause a sudden loss of consciousness whilst managing safety critical machinery.
Functional Musculoskeletal Assessment
This involves our doctor assessing your functional capacity to ensure you have the required range of motion to carry out your role safely.
What additional tests are included in the extended safety critical medical?
Other assessments which may be required
In addition to the tests outlined above, we may also carry out further health screens if they are required by your employer. These include: –
Instant Drug Screen for Urine
An instant drug screen tests for 11 prohibited substances in your body and is required by some companies as part of the assessment.
Alcohol Breath Test
This also tests for your suitability to work by identifying if you are sober at the time of your assessment.
Bespoke Safety Critical Medical
Other assessments which may be required
In addition to the tests outlined above, we may also carry out further health screens if they are required by your employer. These may include, but are not limited to, the following: –
Spirometry is a lung function test which identifies how well your lungs are working. It can be used to identify asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other conditions affecting your breathing.
Roles which require you to be able to listen effectively to identify any dangers or safety hazards may require an audiology assessment as well. We can arrange for this to be carried out and will assess the findings as part of your medical.
We can carry out an ECG scan to identify any potential heart defect as part of your medical assessment should your role or employer require it.
Chester Step Test
To assess aerobic capacity.
Additional Blood or Urine Lab Tests
Some companies may require additional laboratory screens. We can arrange these for you as part of your assessment and collect the samples at your medical appointment.
What can I expect from my safety critical medical in Manchester with Your Private Health?
Here at Your Private Health, we run a smooth Safety Critical Medical process which ensures you are seen by a doctor at a previously agreed appointment time. We’ll fill out your paperwork and get your certification in a timely manner which ensures minimal impact on your work routine. With standard and extended safety critical medicals, the certificate you require is provided following your appointment.
Should you require any external assessments that we can’t carry out ourselves, we can coordinate these so that the impact on your day is minimal. We can also arrange any blood or urine tests through our accredited laboratory who offer us a courier service to ensure the fastest turnaround time possible.
How long will it take to get my medical certificate?
The time it takes to fully complete your medical certificate depends on a number of external factors, including the time it takes to gain your results for any external tests. As soon as we receive these, we’ll complete your paperwork and get your certification to you straight away.
The majority of safety critical medicals are the standard or extended type, in which case your certificate is provided following your appointment.
As a general rule of thumb, we advise that you arrange your assessment no later than a week before you are required to present your certification to an employer. This will ensure any start to your work is not delayed by a lack of medical certification.